You know when you read something somewhere and think, “Why didn’t I think of that?!”
Two of my blogging colleagues have written an amazing ebook which contains a collection of helpful phrases to use with young children. Although there are already a few phrases we use regularly in our family, I never really considered the usefulness of extending the repetition of certain special phrases to more areas of our life including mealtimes, sleeping, when visiting public places, etc.
The Helpful Phrases ebook explains the research behind why this habit is so helpful for young children, and I have already identified a few phrases from the book that we’ll be starting to use this week! There are over 100 phrases in the book to choose from so definitely a few that would fit most families.
One of the co-authors of the book, Rachel Norman, is a mother to five children under six years old. She blogs at A Mother Far from Home and has a wealth of parenting posts you will love to check out.
I am very happy to have the other co-author here with us today to share a bit more about the ebook. I am a huge fan of Lauren’s work as well and, if you are not already familiar with it, I highly recommend you browse her blog as well as the new ebook!
Tell us about yourself.
I’m Lauren, a critical care nurse turned stay-at-home mom to two kids. I write at The Military Wife and Mom blog on practical parenting, enjoying motherhood and thriving through the ups and downs of military life. Surprisingly, the majority of my readers are non-military, and it’s a treat because my true passion is parenting. I love helping parents discover common sense solutions to everyday parenting problems.
Why did you write this book? And what do you hope readers will gain from it?
At the end of the day, we all share a common goal: we all want to be great parents to our kids. But the hard truth is that life gets in the way. The thick and clunky parenting books sit on your bookshelf and those tips never get put into action. I wanted a book that could offer a series of quick parenting wins to help parents learn practical and positive way to respond to their child in any situation.
That’s where helpful phrases comes in. It offers 100+ phrases across 13 different parenting topics. If parents are struggling with listening, for example, they can head straight to that chapter and get quick, actionable tips that work. Or if parents are struggling with mealtimes, they can head straight to that chapter and find a solution and get that quick parenting win.
Can you share one of your personal favourite phrases from the book and why?
One personal favourite is “Can you think of a better way?” The idea behind this one is that children aren’t born knowing how to respond in any given situation. If you see they responded carelessly or hastily, instead of saying, “I don’t like how you did that,” try another way. This phrase will encourage them to think before acting again. Often, if we react strongly and negatively, they’ll dig their heels in stubbornly. Remember, the goal is not to “win” but to come alongside our kids and teach them.
Interested in getting your copy of Helpful Phrases?
There is a special launch deal currently available for for ONE WEEK ONLY which you can learn about here.
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I was sent a copy of Lauren and Rachel’s awesome ebook to review for this post. All opinions are, as always, my own. To read more about reviews and advertisement on my website, visit this page.
I purchased Rachels ebook Helpful Phrases but never received it to downlaod. I am unable to contact her through email and I had no response via twitter,. Can you help me?
Hi Nellie, very sorry about that, I’ve forwarded your comment to Rachel and Lauren and hopefully they will be able to help you out!! Let me know if you don’t hear from either of them sometime soon. Hope you enjoy the ebook!