Chelsea Lee Smith has a message for all of those struggling moms out there: If you want to be the very best you can be for your child, you have to take time each day to work on you. Personal growth is hands down not just what moms need to be great child providers and people but what everyone needs to create a kinder, more compassionate, more creative world. Smith’s Moments a Day gives readers those quick moments to reflect, practice thoughtfulness and best of all, to teach your kids out to join you on the journey. – Hannah Tong, Omaby’s Top 60 Baby and Mom Blogs To Follow (link)
It is the goal of this website to offer resources to incorporate personal growth into daily life, so it is woven throughout the family’s rhythms and routines. By adding a few intentional moments to the day, a family’s growth adds up significantly over time. The core values woven throughout all the articles and resources are as follows:
Valuing personal growth is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and to the next generation. Consciously following the path of self-growth not only helps us become better people (and parents), but helps our children build a positive foundation of relationships and behaviours to prepare them for a bright future. When our children know that it’s okay to make mistakes – that we actually learn and grow from them – they will build self-confidence and resilience.
Reflecting on and embracing our own unique journey is an important part of rising to our full potential. Learning to become conscious of our story and the way we are telling it, allows us to practice positive self-talk and build self-esteem. Family can become a support network for developing and continuing this process throughout life. When we embrace personal growth as an intentional and neverending process, we are able to invite our family members into mutually supportive relationships.
Every day we are presented with opportunities to find and polish our inner gems such as empathy, social responsibility, forgiveness, and courage. As we gain insights and develop skills, we naturally want to contribute to our communities and make the world a better place. The continuous cycle of growing and giving brings meaning and joy to life. When we give, we grow… and the more we grow, the more we want to give.
Here are some simple ways to add personal growth to every day family life:

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Wondering who is behind the scenes?
I am Chelsea Lee Smith: author, blogger, parent educator, speaker, and imperfect mother to four precious children. I started this website in 2013 with a challenge to myself to engage in daily activities about positive character traits with my kids for one full year. What I learned is that our entire family life was enriched during the process of integrating meaningful moments into our everyday routine. Since then I have written several ebooks, printable workshops and children’s storybooks on the themes of character building, kindness, and positive parenting. This website contains articles and resources which aim to provide perspective, inspiration and growth in these areas. Read more about me and my qualifications here.
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