My three year old was crying uncontrollably and I could feel my anxiety rising. “My socks!” he screamed. “Mommy doesn’t understand what you mean! What about your socks?” He kept on crying and I kept on asking, helpless. I simply had no idea what was going on. When he finally calmed down, he told me… {read more}
How to Transform Your Relationship With Your Kids {A Series}
“There is no single effort more radical in its potential for saving the world than a transformation of the way we raise our children.” – Marianne Williamson Parenting is not easy. It is not straightforward. And it definitely isn’t a “one size fits all.” Every child, parent, relationship and situation is unique. But there are two… {read more}
9 Oldies but Goodies – Recommended Movies for Mamas
It’s Friday night and my body is aching from being up on my feet all day… make that all week. All three kids have gone to sleep and I am looking for something to take my mind away from all the worries from the day. Hubby is on evening shift so it’s just me and my trusty… {read more}
The Kitchen Can Wait
The kitchen can wait, my darling son I know I’ve been busy but now I’m done. The bread’s in the oven, the soup has been made Two things off my list of twenty today. Now the kitchen can wait, the dishes too You’re more important, I promise it’s true. There’s a lot going on, you’ll… {read more}
The Reason Why Parenting Is Hard
A few days ago I had a really rough parenting day. It wasn’t that anything in particular happened, but it all just seemed to compound at once. The baby woke up with a runny nose (again). I accidentally dropped and broke a plate. I didn’t predict how much my younger son would want a book… {read more}
Can we please show some respect on the road?
To the guy that honked behind me: I know there is a set number of seconds and minutes during the day. Believe me, I do. But to the guy that honked behind me, was it really necessary? I’m sitting waiting to turn into a busy road, and it’s only been a minute… possibly two, at… {read more}
15 Ways to Teach Kids Character through Actions Instead of Words
“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” – W.E.B. Dubois I love this quote and it is an important reminder for me as I can tend to talk a bit too much sometimes. When it really comes down to it, my kids are learning from how I act every day… not… {read more}
When my daughter grows up…
When my daughter grows up, she won’t remember how many toys she had. But she will remember if I played with her. When my daughter grows up, she won’t remember if the kitchen was clean. But she will remember if I ate meals with her. When my daughter grows up, she won’t remember if I did… {read more}